Download! FREE DOWNLOAD: Depeche Mode - The Things You Said (Nick Warren & Nicolas Rada Remix) [PAF117] (Nicolas Rada)

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Download! FREE DOWNLOAD: Depeche Mode - The Things You Said (Nick Warren & Nicolas Rada Remix) [PAF117]
Nicolas Rada

FREE DOWNLOAD: Depeche Mode - The Things You Said (Nick Warren & Nicolas Rada Remix) [PAF117]

03 August 2023

🎹 Spotify: Like the Track? Click the [Repost] 🔁 button so more people can hear it! ► YouTube: ► Soundcloud: ► Website: ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: Free Download: Release Date: 04-08-2023 ► Nick Warren ♫ ► Nicolas Rada ♫ Tracklist: 01. Depeche Mode - The Things You Said (Nick Warren & Nicolas Rada Remix) Release Info: The latest installment in our free download series welcomes Nick Warren and Nicolas Rada with their much requested take on Depeche Mode’s ‘The Things You Said’. As frequent studio partners since remixing Upercent’s ‘Pulsacions’ in 2017, Nick Warren and Nicolas Rada have become one of the progressive scene’s most beloved production teams. The duo have built a strong synergy over what has been a six-year creative swell, showcasing their original material on Nick’s The Soundgarden imprint, while also recording a string of impressive remixes for DAYS like NIGHTS, Get Physical, Proton Music and many more trendsetting imprints. Always looking for new avenues to test their creative chops, the duo took to re-imagining Depeche Mode’s ‘The Things You Said’ earlier this year. Released in 1987 as part of the band’s ‘Music for the Masses’, an album widely regarded to encompass the best styles from both ‘Black Celebration’ and ‘Violator’, ‘The Things You Said’ has stood the test of time and remains a high point on the seminal and much loved long-player. Nick Warren and Nicolas Rada have combined their extensive forces once again, knocking out a near nine-minute epic rendition which has not only been a staple in Nick’s recent sets, but also finds the duo landing more additive ever. Enjoy!

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